Does my Business NEED a Website ?

Shenalka De Silva Gunasekera
3 min readMar 15, 2021


You maybe relatively new to business or you may be a veteran in your trade, it’s possible you often hear a lot of talk on “how important it is to get a website for your business.” As I type these words I already hear the usual counter arguments-

“ I am new- I already have a lot of expenses on my plate. Maybe when I am more established.”


“I have made it this far without a website, do I really need one?”

To which the response goes- yes you do need a website. It isn’t an expense, it is an investment and every minute your business is not online, you are missing out on an exponential value creation opportunity. We aren’t talking massive e-commerce platforms, no- we are talking about at least a simple website.

“But why?” You ask.

Fair enough. Here I have attached some FIVE reasons your business really benefits from having a website developed for it.

  1. People Google the solutions to their problems

Welcome to the Digital Era, folks. People want to eat, they google “Restaurants near me”, they want to get married, they google “ Wedding Planners, Colombo”- Google is the new word of mouth. The new Aunty in town who recommends the best vendors to get things done.

It is already challenging enough to be on top via SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), if you have 0 online presence you may as well not exist.

So next time, a potential customer goes online looking for <*insert service your business is providing> be sure they find you.

2. Show off your Products and Services!

Never underestimate the power of influence a bunch of High Quality photographs of your products. Surveys show over a 50 % more likelihood of customers to purchase from you based on some impressive visual representation. People like to know what they are spending their money on after all.

3. Social Proof

Reviews, testimonies, feedback and evidence of work. These are all the reasons why a customer should select you and not your competitor. Forget waiting for various bodies to ‘award’ you for your excellence, you now have an online real time way to showcase your worth and your value. If you are not, someone else is. Someone else is benefiting from an opportunity that should have been yours.

The market is getting more and more competitive by the day. What the era of the internet provides its populace is more and more certainty. Thats what social media sells. Thats what your website tells. When you get online, you are sparing your potential customers the effort and the cost of physically coming to your store and risking not finding what they want there.

4. 4.54 BILLION people

This is the number of people online as of 2020. Without a website, this is the number of people YOU are invisible to. Need I say more ?

5. Professional Presence

Over 80 % of today’s consumers attribute a business’ more credibility to companies that have a website than those that only operate on Social Media sites. ( )

Plus, it is far more easier to navigate and find what you are looking for on a website than scrolling down and down and down on Instagram to find that one post of that one product.

Finally, having your own website allows for your own email address which just adds that tad bit more in professional correspondence, y’know ?

Bottom line is, if you aren’t online you are missing out BIG TIME!

I want to help you out. I work with a group of talented Web developers, Website Builders and Story Tellers and we help small to big time business’ get online and sky rocket digitally.

You can check us out at —

I look forward to a day that we can sit down and work together. If you have already started, know that I am proud of this step and truly believe big things await you.


Shenalka from Ibros.



Shenalka De Silva Gunasekera

Pondering on Life, Business and the great Whys of the Universe.